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Tonini Industry Lab

Tonini Finance Ltd Acquire and Manage Digital Ownerships of Your Physical Assets.

Tonini Industry Lab testbeds incubate solutions to address complex challenges
in a wide range of industries. In 2022/23, in various locations around the world,
we organized visits and co-creation workshops with customers and technology partners.

Our Mission We want to promote the growth of companies by offering innovative tools to improve the quality of decisions, optimize management control and reduce costs. We do this through a structured working method and a set of technological tools, designed to simplify and optimize the best technology the market offers.

Our Vision We want to be an accelerator for all those companies that want to grow and dominate the market through technological innovation. This is why we invest in the development of cutting-edge solutions to transform technology into the best ally of entrepreneurs.

What is the role of AI? Advances in computer power, the availability of massive amounts of data, and the development of new algorithms have led to great leaps in technology in recent years.

AI systems are capable of adapting their behavior by analyzing the effects of previous actions and working autonomously.

AI is central to the digital transformation of society: future applications could bring great changes, but we have not forget that artificial intelligence is already present in our lives. At Tonini Industry Lab we invest in cutting-edge technologies to provide innovative solutions to businesses and private individuals.

A suite of tools to simplify the management of your company and
innovative tools applied to the world of Blockchain and the world of Mining.

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